Saturday 11 April 2020

Jesus is Alive

This is a weekend of remembering! A weekend first of all to thank God for the victory we have over sin and death because Jesus died that terrible agonising death on the Cross for you and me! Then the amazing news we celebrate tomorrow, Sunday
Hallelujah! Jesus is alive! 
Below I have copied a piece from my daughter, Jo's, website email today. If you would like to look at her MumsKidsJesus website, here is the link:
From Joanna Chee:

There's a wonderful phrase circling the virtual globe this Easter:
...churches are empty - but so is the tomb
It comes from a poem by Kristi Bothur:
How The Virus Stole Easter (with a nod to Dr. Seuss)
It's an amazing poem. Physical churches may be empty, and Easter may look very different this year, but the truth remains: the tomb is empty, Jesus is alive, and He offers LIFE to all!
...Jesus is Victor over death, doom and gloom
Life is so so different for us all, isn't it. I have not wrtten a post for a while, as I have concentrated more on writing to individual friends and keeping up with family.This is a time I believe for deepening our relationships, and, with the Holy Spirit's help, these can become more beautiful and this will always be a time to remember in the future - a time when we were indeed isolated from human fellowship physically, but where our love for Jesus grew, our intimacy with Him became something more special and our friendships and family became more precious then ever!
God bless you this Resurrection Sunday! Wherever you are and whoever you connect with for worship and hearing the Word online, may you have that very real knowledge that God has not forsaken you. He has not forsaken our world! Jesus has triumphed over evil! His be the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever and ever! Amen!

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